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Regular price $30.00

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We love bringing specialty coffee from farms around the world directly to you, but first it has to make a pit stop at our roastery. Each coffee has unique attributes - from the zesty acidity of a washed Guatemala to the strawberry jam sweetness of a natural Ethiopia - and our job is to bring these flavors out in the roast.

But…sometimes we don’t exactly nail it. The downside is that we’re bummed we didn’t find the perfect flavor profile. The upside is that we’re roasting high quality specialty coffee, so even our bloopers are good. It’s kind of like a wipeout surfing our favorite wave: it wasn’t our best performance, but we still love what we’re doing and we’re having a great time.

So instead of crying about it, we combine all of these happy mistakes into a unique blend of delightful inaccuracies. Turns out that this blend of blunders is delicious, so we’re bringing it to you at a discount. Enjoy!

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